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“I began to feel that my life was frivolous, but then I found a sense of purpose.”

I was widowed when I was 50, and my two children were grown. I had always been a stay at home Mum and suddenly had to make a life of my own. I took up tennis, expanded my exercise regimen and travelled extensively. Having had an airline background and the privilege of reduced travel costs, I used it to the fullest. On the way home from a trip to Japan, my friend and I talked about when I volunteered as a chaperone on school outings, in the school library and at play days when the kids were young. I felt I should cut back on this hedonistic life I was leading and volunteer again! A little more purpose to my life.  It took a number of years to come to this decision, though. Our little local paper had a column for volunteers. I was interested in reception and office work which I had done before I joined the airline.

The first place I applied of 3 I had decided to try was Taylor Place and the rest is history. It has changed its name at least a couple of times since then and is now known as Better Living Health and Community Services. I had the interview and reference checks within 2 days and was offered the position as a receptionist. I didn’t even bother about the others after that.  Better Living is such an awesome happy atmosphere, I look forward to going every week.  I found my niche in HR but there are so many positions one can choose. One is made to feel so useful and such gratitude is shown to volunteers, it can’t help but make you feel needed. It turned out, funnily enough, my travelling companion to Japan actually joined the Taylor Place Seniors Club and took a computer course!  I was hired to volunteer at 875 Don Mills Rd, a different location, and didn’t realize it was the same outfit that she joined as a member.  We had lots of happy times there so it has been a very fulfilling experience. That was nearly 21 years ago, and there is still more is to be achieved.