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At Better Living Health and Community Services we continuously aspire to provide our Clients and Members with an exceptional experience.

Feedback is invaluable to allow us to evaluate if Better Living is providing service that reflects our values and to understand the level of Client and Member overall satisfaction.

Better Living will be conducting its annual Better Living Experience Survey during October 7, 2019 – October 25, 2019 and we want to hear from you.

In an effort to reduce postage costs we have only invited a sampling of Clients and Members to receive our survey by regular mail.  However we are committed to obtaining and using Client and Member feedback to improve our services and if you didn’t receive a paper copy but would like to participate, we you are welcome to complete the Better Living Experience Survey by one of the following options;Online Survey Directly through our Online Survey
Download a Paper Copy Download a Paper Copy and Email to:

If you require assistance to complete the survey in another language or have any questions, contact our Help Desk at 416-447-7244 ext. 541.

We at Better Living thank you in advance for your participation and the time spent to share your feedback. We look forward to sharing the results with you in later communications.