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Volunteer Stories – Kitty

I have been a member of Better Living for over 20 years. My first foray was in the computer club and then I joined Tai Chi, and the financial investment group. Eventually, I became the program leader for the financial group and have been doing this for about 3 years now. I worked for my… read more Volunteer Stories – Kitty

Volunteer Stories – Jennifer

I’ve always thought of volunteering in general as good thing to do and a good thing to fit into a balanced schedule. I have volunteered in the school classroom, church and various other opportunities over the years. With Better Living, I found that just by passing by the building so regularly, in my neighbourhood, the… read more Volunteer Stories – Jennifer

Volunteer Stories – Ian

There is no such thing as a problem, there is only opportunity! When I moved to Toronto from Montreal in 1966, my employer was involved with United Way and loaned me out as a canvasser to Coca Cola for a month. Then I became a team captain to 15 other canvassers, and one thing leads… read more Volunteer Stories – Ian

Volunteer Stories – Rose Marie

I have been given so much. I enjoy giving back. I have been a giving person, in my professional career and in my personal life, so it has been a lifestyle for me. As a consultant for the North York Board of Education, my work was helping teachers and other professionals improve and find new… read more Volunteer Stories – Rose Marie

Volunteer Stories – Semhar

You know, a lot of people don’t know what a volunteer is. I grew up in Eritrea where I was very involved with my Church, with young people, in the hospital and the court. Volunteering is my sustenance, the sustenance of life. I came to Canada in November 2014 from Uganda where I had lived… read more Volunteer Stories – Semhar

Volunteer Stories – Lisa

“I began to feel that my life was frivolous, but then I found a sense of purpose.” I was widowed when I was 50, and my two children were grown. I had always been a stay at home Mum and suddenly had to make a life of my own. I took up tennis, expanded my… read more Volunteer Stories – Lisa

Volunteer Stories – Helen

My life, starting with having both my kids to dealing with aging parents, has prompted me to volunteer. As a result, my volunteer experiences have been so enhanced by my lived experiences. Once both my kids were in school, I had “free” time and intended on going back to work. However, I was at a… read more Volunteer Stories – Helen

RBC donates time and money to MOWAM

Local RBC branch donates time and money to Meals on Wheels and More MOWAM introduced a new initiative to give all of our clients a wide range of information to keep clients safe and healthy, as well as pointing clients in the right direction for further information on varied subjects.  To support our initiative, RBC… read more RBC donates time and money to MOWAM

Creative Ways of caring!

Adult Day Program volunteer Jo-Anne Forkes creates colourful times for Clients. I grew up with an extended family – 3 generations in one large house; so we were used to having older people around.  When my children were little, I took a few years off from work, to stay home with them.  I volunteered at… read more Creative Ways of caring!